Govt. College of Nursing is located in T.D. Medical College campus. Govt. College of Nursing, Alappuzha started functioning on 4th December, 2006. The inaugural function of the College and the laying of foundation stone of new college building were held on 21st January 2007. The College is currently affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur. Dr. Sreekumari.D was the first Principal of the College.
The first batch of 60 B.Sc. Nursing students was admitted on 23rd January, 2007. The College has 4 batches of B.Sc. Nursing Students and a batch of interns during an academic year.
Post graduate program was started on 28th September, 2010 with intake of total 20 students in four Specialties- Medical Surgical Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing and Community Health Nursing. Currently the annual intake is 22 students, with 6 seats in Medical Surgical Nursing, 6 seats in Obstetrics & Gynecological Nursing, 5 seats in Community Health Nursing and 5 seats in Child Health Nursing.
The College was approved as research centre under Kerala University of Health Sciences Thrissur in 2019.
Govt. College of Nursing, Alappuzha was affiliated to University of Kerala from 2006 till 2009 and from 2010 onwards College is affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur. The college is recognized by the Kerala Nurses & Midwives Council and the Indian Nursing Council.
The college offers unmatched training in Nursing Education through its highly qualified and experienced faculty.
Govt. College of Nursing, Alappuzha, is attached to Government T D Medical College Hospital, which provides facility for professional training to the students in B.Sc. Nursing and M.Sc. Nursing. The college imparts academic and professional training to the students.